

life in the colony was hard for the pilgrims.

young kids died


one hundred sepertist was aboard on the mayflower.

unfairly treated because of their beliefs.


help from the wampanoag.

I would rather live in the plymouth because they were more reasonable. they didn’t just seek gold like Jamestown did. the plymouthalso planted more food to survive. In James town not many people survived because of diseases from the water and hunger. That is why I would rather live in plymouth.

Henry Hudson

Long ago Henry Hudson English explorer was hired to find the Northwest passage to the indies. Although it did not exist. Henry Hudson set sail and thought he found it , but he didn’t. He found a 450 mile long river known as the hudson river, and then sailed into the hudson bay. Then winter came along and froze over the bay. when it melted henry’s crew members thought they were going home, but henry set sail west looking for the passage Henry’s crew members got so mad that they put henry, his son, and 7 other loyal crew members in a small bout in the water with no oars and left them stranded.

Nobody Knows what happened to henry and the others I think that they fell out and froze to death, it still is today’s history’s mysteries.